Gratitude Amidst Uncovering the Riddle of Life

Jul 15 , 2023
By Eden Sahle

As I navigated through the loss of my beloved father, my perception of the world was challenged.

When everything went dark and I felt like there was nothing to be thankful for, my friend was the one who restored my gratitude for life through guidance and support.

This beautiful soul in her mid-20s is a fearless woman ready to face any challenge thrown her way. She is a young medical doctor who graduated with great distinction, with a compassion and prompt attitude to help others.

Her cheerful energy is infectious making people feel at ease, which would be misleading for an outsider indicating that she has a perfect life.

Beneath her seemingly immaculate exterior, she was battling stage four cancer.

About three years ago, doctors abroad told her they have exhausted all medical options disclosing that she has not much time left. She resorted to herbal medications that were approved by physicians.

While those of us who love her were broken by the devastating result, she remained determined to fight.

The words of defeat or frustration were never spoken through her mouth although it was expected considering the battle she was going through. Instead, she was the one trying to convince us that everything will work out for the better.

While she needed to be comforted, her composure and mindset was mature beyond her age. She was careful about what to think, often reminding herself and others to choose to be grateful as things could always be worse.

Her positive outlook kept her not only alive but also thriving against the odds. She outlives the time frame given by her doctors and became their miracle case as the cancerous cells were kept from spreading to other parts of her body.

Unlike my friend, most people overemphasize the negative.

Studies suggest that loss is four times more painful for humans than the joy of gaining. This leads to increased irritability and stress, resulting in a preference for complaining and frustration over gratitude and acceptance.

Nevertheless, we must not ignore the nuisance in health, life, society and politics, especially in Ethiopia. In spite of the negative aspects of life, it is essential to remember the good and boon in life, even in the face of tragedy.

My friend hopes for full recovery, winning the battle against cancer. Through her journey I learned that happiness is tied to gratitude for life, enriching others with sparks of delight in the face of turmoil. Gratitude in times of tragedy is a remarkable skill that requires intentional practice, and consistent effort to develop into a habit.

No one knows what the future holds. But instead of fighting against the current of life, we learn to go with the flow and trust in the greater forces at play.

Accepting life's enigma is the key to attaining inner peace.

We can enjoy the present moment as the mystery of life continues to unfold. The surrender to the unknown allows us to direct energy on the things we can control - our thought, actions, and reactions.

PUBLISHED ON Jul 15,2023 [ VOL 24 , NO 1211]

Eden Sahle is founder and CEO of Yada Technology Plc. She has studied law with a focus on international economic law. She can be reached at

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