Work Ethic Shall Set the Nations Free

Jan 1 , 2022
By Abreham Ketema

Work ethic has been a primary developmental tool in the overall economies of nations. This indicates the apparent connection between development and work ethic. History has been made with ethical work behaviour, associated mainly with self-discipline and professionalism. Progenitors of modern science believed that the ethical work culture had a significant impact in making breakthroughs. Even the dramatic economic transformation of South Korea and China is nothing more than their past commitment and decision to change their ways and industrialise.

In the past, it is undeniable that the Enlightenment age played a crucial role in introducing the concept of solid work ethic to Western nations. The Industrial Revolution, which was primarily related to the manufacturing processes in Britain and the United States, was an extension of new ways of innovation and working cultures. It led to the development of large-scale industry, manufacturing, mechanised agriculture and the factory system. New machines, power sources, and ways of organising work made existing industries more productive and efficient.

The value attached to hard work, thrift, effort, and efficiency in one’s worldly calling is a strong indicator of a community’s achievement. The combination of work culture, compassion and self-esteem will also bring success in a given area with respect to quality.

More than half of Ethiopia's population lives below the poverty line. Issues like hunger, illness, poor sanitation and lack of clean water have been a stain on our country for over a century. It has taken away the dignity and respect we have as a nation. It partially reflects the poor time management and work ethic of our country. Though political and economic reforms have been taking place regularly, bringing about gross domestic product (GDP) growth in recent years, the lack of consistent and effective work habits in our culture has continued to be a hindrance.

The unprecedented rise in the rate of population growth has allowed us to create an economy with a relatively large market. Nonetheless, it has been a case of quantity over quality. Greater attention needs to be given to the ethical practice and values of the concerned bodies.

It is incontestable that the prevalence and effective practical implementation of ethical principles and moral values in any given atmosphere is critical. In Ethiopia, developing work ethic has the capacity to raise the psychology of each individual that supports society's path toward prosperity. But determining whether certain practices are aligned with the principle of business ethics and time management begins at the individual level. The emphasis given to this concept has the ability to bring our nation from the list of Third World countries into an era of 21st-century industrialisation.

The order and systematisation make it fruitful use of natural resources at each individual’s level, and its orderliness also shows its economically significant aspects. Speeding up the growth of the work culture in business and factories will create more jobs. There ought to be an organised way of adapting to binding ethical work behaviour.

But this requires each person’s commitment to bringing changes to the overall performance. Doing this is easier than ever in today’s information age. With the click of a button, anyone can gain access to different educational materials to equip themselves across their profession. Importantly, improvements in work ethics can catch on gradually across the nation. Countries are entitled to a prosperous life, but this does not mean that someone will hand it over to us. We have to fight for it, and there is no better resistance here than an indubitable work ethic.

PUBLISHED ON Jan 01,2022 [ VOL 22 , NO 1131]

Abreham Ketema ( is interested in politics and culture. He has written for Ethiopia Insight and Awash Post.

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