Abay Bank Joins Nation's Effort to Avert Spread of COVID-19, Pitching in 3m Br

Mar 31 , 2020

Yehuala Gesesse, president of the Bank, handed over a cheque for three million Birr to Misganu Arega, state minister for Trade & Industry and the chairperson of the resource mobilising committee.

Abay Bank has joined the list of financial institutions that are giving financial assistance to the national committee that is mobilising resources to ward off the potential spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Yehuala Gesesse, president of the Bank, handed over a cheque for three million Birr to Misganu Arega, state minister for Trade & Industry and the chairperson of the resource mobilising committee. The Committee was formed by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) and includes ministers and higher government officials as members.

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Earlier today, Dashen Bank donated 10 million Br, while six more financial institutions, namely, Awash, Nib, Addis International and Enat banks, as well as the Ethiopian Insurance Company and Nib Insurance, gave 30 million Br by the end of last week. As of yesterday, a total of 58,411 deaths were recorded out of the 639,224 people who have acquired the virus globally, according to WHO's situation report. Ethiopia has reported 25 cases, of which over half of the cases are individuals with no recent history of overseas travel.

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Source: Coronavirus monitor API

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