Advertorials | Sep 13,2021
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in self-isolation?
Cooking for myself, listening to religious sermons and songs and reading up on home remedies.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in self-isolation?
I missed being outside. Even taking a walk was a luxury.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
I was scared when I first heard of the virus, but then through talking with others, I was also reassured that it might pass with symptoms like the flu.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
I am a health professional, so I knew I was at a higher risk of contracting it.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
I work in an ICU unit, and once we had a patient whose results turned out to be a false negative.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
What I have found is that it is not an easy ordeal. It's not a joke.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
I didn't think I would die.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
I didn't tell anyone when I tested positive other than my brother. I told my mother after I recovered, and I'll never forget her shock. She was so upset that I wished I hadn't told her at all.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in self-isolation?
Internet with Netflix and YouTube music and videos. I also did some mixing, reading and playing various games like cards, chess, darts.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
I missed going out and interacting with people.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
I never really thought about contracting the virus.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
I always thought there was the chance of getting it.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
I guess through a friend, but I’m not sure.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
I don’t think it changes anything for me, but if I’m not being a little selfish, I’m glad to get it over with and move on.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
I never thought I would die.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
After recovery people actually do not believe you at first. I guess they expect you to lose 20 pounds, look like a zombie or something.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Making videos of my experience and sharing them on social media.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
I missed my family, my son and my normal daily activity.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
My expectation was, one day when I wake up I might have difficulty breathing.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
I never thought I would have it.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
I don’t know where I got it exactly, but I suspect I caught the virus while making a transaction at a grocery store.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
It's definitely given me a new outlook. I have a new perspective on life now. Overnight, I found out how vulnerable I am.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
I used to think, if I ever get the virus I should write my will. But in the treatment centre, I was reminding myself that there are so many people who want my existence out there.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
The positivity and the love I received from everybody after recovery, there was no social stigma at all.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Messaging friends. Otherwise, I would be watching TV and movies on my phone or on social media. I also tried to keep active and was doing some short exercises each day.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
I missed my wife the most while I was in quarantine.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
It was in line with my expectations as my symptoms were very mild.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
I never thought I would have it.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
I believe I know where I got the virus.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
It has just reinforced my original outlook, which is to try and enjoy each day as much as I can.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
I never thought I was going to die.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
Surprising reactions from people include the occasional step back while I am talking to someone.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Exercising three times a day and reading.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
I missed my child very much, since my wife and I were both admitted.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
Like most people, I had heard so much about the virus from the media, and so I was afraid at first.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
I used to think I would have it because of my work.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
I'm sure I got it through my work as it is a high-risk environment.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
I have understood that we need to be more careful.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
I never really thought I would die.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
When we told people we had tested positive, they just equated it with us dying.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine centre?
I did sports and read for the most part.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in the quarantine centre?
I missed my mother, who was also sick at the time.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
I thought it was going to be very difficult.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
I never thought I would have COVID-19 before I had it.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
I was staying with my mother in an isolation room. I think that was where I contracted it.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
The whole ordeal has shown me the miracle of God’s work that I am alive and well today.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
The first day they told me I had it, it crossed my mind that I might die.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
It was inspiring to see people taking care of each other in the quarantine centre.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in self-isolation?
I was working sometimes.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in self-isolation?
Meeting my friends.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
At first, I was stressed and scared, because of thinking whoever I was in contact with would get the virus from me.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
I always thought I might get it because of a small mistake or negligence that could lead to being sick.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
At my workplace, I had contact with one of the people who tested positive.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
Nothing particular for me. I’m the type of person that take things as they come.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
I never thought about death for a minute.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
A lot of people didn’t know except family, close friends and workplace people.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Talking to people, having deep conversations and playing cards.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
I used to read a lot about it, but after talking to health professionals there, it gave me deep insight into the virus.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
I use to say it wouldn’t get to me.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
It was through contact with a family member.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
Without outside interaction, it gave me time to think a lot about things around my life and how to take a step back every once in a while.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
I never thought about death.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
People turn away, they get scared around me, but at least my workplace treated me well.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Making different types of tea, steam with eucalyptus and watching movies.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
I missed being able to move around freely.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
At first, I was scared in case things got worse, but I was fine in the end.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
I never thought I would get it.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
I met a friend for coffee outside, and I probably got it during our conversation. He could not smell anything and had a sore throat.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
It made me rethink what we know about the virus.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
I thought things could get worse at first of course but after some time into it that thought evaporated
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
I never had much social interaction, but things were normal for me.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
I was reading books, exercising, taking care of my kid and talking to people, and I met a lot of interesting people.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
My family and my kids the most.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
I was scared at first, thinking it could get worse; but once in it, it was easier to manage, and I was more relaxed.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
Yes, because I engage with patients.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
I would guess from examining patients.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
It didn’t change much but maybe that we shouldn’t be too scared.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
Not really, cause I was a mild case.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
People turn away and stopped visiting my office.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Watching movies, hanging out with friends.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
I missed being able to meet with people.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
I thought it would be very light, but it was much harder than I expected.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
I did think I would have it, but I thought it would be light symptoms or that I would be asymptomatic.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
Yes, I got it through a friend of mine.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
No, not really.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
I was really worried about what it was before I got diagnosed.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
After I tested positive, I became a discussion point.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Hanging out with other doctors, exercising, watching movies, listening to music and scrolling through social media.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
Going around. My friends and the sun on my skin.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
I was worried. I was hoping to get over the ordeal as easily as most do.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
I was working in a hospital, so I knew I was susceptible to catching the virus.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
There may be so many instances. I was working for a month at an isolation centre, so probably there.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
It has taught me to be more conscious of a healthy lifestyle and exercise as well.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
I didn't have any symptoms, so I didn't think I was going to die.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
There were a lot of denials that I saw from patients that had tested positive. There were also some conspiracy theories about how there is no such thing as COVID-19.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Reading books and journaling.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
Surgery and spending time with my friends.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
My expectation was that it wouldn't affect younger people, especially without comorbidities.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
Yes. I was sure I was going to have it. I just didn't know when.
Q.Do you know where you got it?
A surgeon who visited patients with me two days prior had tested positive.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
It has shown me how short life is and that I should enjoy every day as it is a blessing to be healthy and energetic.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
I had moments where I was calling some friends and sharing my thoughts about what I think of them and how grateful I am for what they have done for me.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
The show of care I have seen from people. People who I didn't necessarily think were close friends were very thoughtful and made sure I was comfortable where I was.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Exercising three times a day and watching movies.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
I didn't miss much. It gave me time to breathe and take a moment for myself.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
I had no symptoms at all so it was far from what I thought it would be.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
I was working in a hospital, so I knew I was susceptible to catching the virus.
Q. Do you know where you got it from?
I can't really say for sure. But at the hospital there was a patient that tested positive.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
It has changed my life. It gave me time to think about myself.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
I didn't think I was going to die.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
My colleagues were joking around, saying, "Why did you even bother with the test? We could have told you that you're positive."
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Watching movies, doing sports and social interaction.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
I missed the outside air and food, especially burgers.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
I am a health professional, so I wasn't too worried about the virus.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
I never thought I would contract it while I was in Meqelle, but I knew there was a chance after I came to Addis.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
I tried to think of where I could get, but I never really could pinpoint it.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
It has positively affected me for sure. It has refreshed my spirit.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
I had no symptoms, but I think I would have thought about it if I had stronger symptoms.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
A lot of people in there with me were very concerned. They were worried they would die.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Reading books mostly.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
The pain was higher than what I expected.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
Yes, because I usually meet so many people.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
I guess it was at an event where I met a lot of people.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
I have become patient and more positive. It has also made me more compassionate and helped me to learn forgiveness.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
Yes. I was in a lot of pain when I was at the ICU, and I thought I might die then.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
I was surprised by the high number of people and vehicles in the street. I thought people were in their houses due to the pandemic.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
I was walking for two to three hours within the premises where I was staying and mostly reading books.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
I missed my family.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
It was as I expected. I was aware and informed about how the virus attacks your respiratory organs.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
Yes, I even thought I might have already recovered from the virus without showing or recognising the symptoms.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
No, because I usually meet a lot of people.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
I have learned to thank God, to give time to family, finish my work activities on time and sleep properly.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
Yes. I was in the ICU, and I saw a lot of people die while I was in there.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
Nothing really, everything was as usual.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
I watched a lot of funny videos and documentary films.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
Hanging out and having fun with my friends.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
The pain was below what I expected. I thought it would be high, because I smoke cigarettes.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
Yes, since many people were catching the virus.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
I am not sure, but I guess I caught it from a friend of mine.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
It didn’t really bring any change for me.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
There were times when I felt high pain in my lungs, and I thought I was going to die.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
I haven't really noticed any reaction from people that surprised me.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Exercising, making tea and reading books.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
The sun on my skin.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
That the pain is different from person to person is what I understood. Having no symptoms doesn’t mean COVID-19 is fake news.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
Since I used to exercise, I never thought I would as I thought exercising was good prevention for the virus.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
Not really, I can't say there was a specific moment or a place.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
I am more reserved with my interactions with people.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
I can't really say that.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
The waitress from the place where I have coffee screamed and ran away when I told her that I had contracted the virus and people around me thought I was a thief.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Reading books, watching movies and documentaries, and exercising.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
My family and my kids, even my work colleagues.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
The image delivered before was very hostile, and I had no symptoms or pain.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
I never thought I would get it, because I took precautions very well.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
There were a few times prior to my result that I was going around without a mask for too long, because I was doing fieldwork.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
It made me think how death is closer than we think and that I should do better in life.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
Not really.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
I was very surprised, because I expected to be ostracised, but it turned out that people were very welcoming.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Having fun with my friends, listening to songs and reading books.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
Usually hanging out on Saturdays with my friends, and we go to a restaurant where we eat raw meat. I missed that a lot.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
The pain was lower than I had experienced.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
I thought I would get it since it’s a pandemic, and many people who I know have it including my father so I knew it was nearby. My work also exposes me to many people.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
Yes, from my friend who I work with.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
Nothing in particular.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
I saw many people recovering, and I felt almost no pain, so I never really thought I was going to die.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
Nothing really surprising though many people didn’t know I caught and recovered from the virus.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
I played football in the compound and watched TV.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
I missed hanging out with my friends the most.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
It was less than what I had thought it would be.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
A lot of people were catching it, so I knew it was just a matter of time, but I caught it sooner than I thought.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
I got it from a friend.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
It has made me more pacificist and decent.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
I knew that the virus would be more fatal to those that had comorbidities, so I didn't think I was going to die.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
What surprised me most was the care and good treatment from my neighbours and relatives. I expected them to neglect me since I saw others who recovered from the virus treated that way.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Read the Bible, listened to music and spent time with others around me.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
Having fun outside and my family as well.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
It is so much worse than I had expected. I was in a coma for four days.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
Never, because I am young. Although I was being careful, I didn't actually believe in its existence.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
I don't really know, but I think I caught the virus in a restaurant.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
I found myself at the quarantine centre. I realised that everything is boring, and I had the time to think about my character and the things I needed to change in my life.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
Yes, there was one guy who was also in quarantine like me, and he was very strong and even helped me get through the hardest time when I was sick. One day he just died. I was so devastated and thought I was next in line.
Q.What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
There was a man in a car who blew his horn to say hello. Then when I approached his car to properly greet him, he drove away as fast as possible.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Working out, sharing my experience, debating different issues and praying.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
The sun the most and the feel of the air without a mask on. But also the people, the busy city and cafes.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
The way it is captured by the media and health service providers had a psychological impact, and I was scared at first.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
I never really thought about it, but it was bound to happen with my work.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
No, it’s hard to say.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
It made me rethink my lifestyle from exercising, reading books, watching my diet, and the other things that I used to do.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
I didn't think about death for a minute.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
People in my neighbourhood closed their doors and turned away their faces. That was surprising.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Exercising, having tea and coffee parties, reading books and sharing our takes with friends admitted together.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
I missed looking at people, the bustling sound of the city, the market and cafes.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
It’s not how it is pictured in the minds of people as being deadly.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
With the nature of my job, I was playing hide and seek with the virus.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
Not really.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
I now try to live while listening and paying attention to myself. It also encouraged me to value people around me and to always show respect.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
I didn't think about death for a minute.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
It was funny to see people in my neighbourhood closing their doors when they see me passing by. One of my neighbour’s daughters came to me and touched my face, and her parents told her to come running back.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Watching movies and reading books.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in quarantine?
Spending time with friends and colleagues.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
My symptoms were much milder than I expected.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
I thought I was safe, too far from any contacts to catch it.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
I can’t even guess.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
It has helped me become more stable.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
Nothing I can think of.
Q. How did you entertain yourself while you were in quarantine?
Listening to music, watching movies and exercising.
Q. What did you miss the most when you were in self-isolation?
Going outside and being able to freely walk around.
Q. What was your expectation of how the virus would affect you versus what it actually was like?
I knew I was not in a vulnerable group but I was surprised that I had no symptoms at all.
Q. Did you ever think you would have COVID-19?
I was very cautious, but I knew as more people got it that it would be inevitable.
Q. Do you know where you got it?
A few people tested positive at my workplace, so I’m sure it was there.
Q. Has it given you a new outlook on life?
I have much more appreciation for freedom, and it made me think about prisoners a lot.
Q. Did you ever think at any point that you were going to die?
Before the virus came to the country, I did wonder.
Q. What has been the most surprising reaction from people in your experience?
We had a meeting the day we gave our sample about being extra cautious, and the next day most of us in the meeting tested positive.
Sep 11,2020 [ VOL
21 , NO
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