A hurried renovation transpires on a conjoined pair of small buildings around the Mercato area. Many old buildings in the vast marketplace are remnants of shops built by Yemeni merchants who relocated from the old Arada area in the 1930s. The area has a thriving informal sector economy from which thousands earn daily bread. According to studies by the Centre for International Private Enterprise, nearly one-sixth of Ethiopia's urban employment is in the informal sector. Some studies have estimated the size of the informal economy in the country to be as high as a third of the GDP.



A large excavation site in front of the headquarters of the Ethiopian Coffee & Tea Authority around Mexico square has created a small pond while it awaits further foundation work. The project site recently had to be reduced to make way for a wider walkway as part of the area's redevelopment. Mexico square is a busy transport center serving the four corners of Addis Abeba. ...



A street vendor sells various snacks on the streets of Addis Abeba with an umbrella to shield her and her products from the sun. The assortment includes peanuts, chickpeas, and beans. A common sight in many Ethiopian cities, street vendors play a vital role in local economies, offering affordable and convenient food options to passersby. Still, many operate in unsafe conditions and face harassment from authorities. ...


Demolition Delivery

Cloudy skies hang over a demolition site with debris scattered around. An Isuzu NPR truck, parked on the roadside, is being loaded with wooden posts that would have been part of the construction that has now been taken down. Addis Abeba is undergoing the second phase of the Corridor Development project encompassing 132Km and over 2,817hct. The urban renewal project has resulted in the demolition of buildings, creating business opportunities for some...
