My Opinion | 124807 Views | Aug 14,2021
Aug 10 , 2019.
Dear Editors,
In her recent column headlined, "Discern Blame from Responsibility" [Vol. 20 No. 1005, August 4, 2019], Eden Sahle rightly calls all of us that suffered during the ugly Ethio-Eritrean war “innocent victims”.
Moreover, her accepting the responsibility to take charge of her own life during childhood is highly commendable. She said “Goodbye to excuses” and faced reality. Alas, many others under similar circumstances did not make it through, some turning to petty crimes, drugs, alcohol, prostitution and even suicide. I wish she would publish her memoirs soon, something similar to "The Diary of Ann Frank."
However, I disagree with her assumption that it was selfish of her mother to abandon her siblings. No God-fearing parent can be selfish. I do not doubt that she mentioned her children in her constant prayers. In his commencement speech to the graduates of Harvard University in 2012, the editor and author Fareed Zakaria stressed that, “You will never know how much your parents love you until you have children of your own."
Under the circumstances, how could she return? Even if she did, would she just be welcomed or detained and interrogated?
Eden’s overall message, however, is absolutely essential to all Ethiopians that are responsible citizens. We should all consider what to contribute to the welfare of our country, instead of pointing fingers every time something goes wrong. Let us all wish Eden all the best in her future endeavours.
Vart Kes (curiotrades@gamil.com)
Aug 10,2019 [ VOL
20 , NO
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