A striking image of felled trees up on the pedestrian walkway around Bole surprises onlookers accustomed to greener hues. The area was endowed with increasing trees in the lead-up to the African Union Summit, giving urbanites a sweet escape from the scorching sun in the capital. While it does not look it today, historical sources indicate that in the early 20th century, about 42 million hectares, or the equivalent of nearly 35pc of Ethiopia’s land area, was covered with forests. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's (PhD) Green Legacy initiative has attempted to restore some of the country's shades with an annual campaign going on ever since he ascended to power.



Finance Minister Ahmed Shide and IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva shared a friendly moment during her recent visit to the Ministry. Her first visit since last year's IMF-backed economic reforms, Georgieva discussed progress with officials and also explored Addis Abeba's new tourist attractions and IMF-funded social projects...



Kazanchis, one of the older districts in Addis Abeba, holds on to these derelict and stripped-down cars that once traversed its inner streets. Now surrounded by tall corrugated sheets, the cars evoke a feeling of a past time when they were functional and valued. They now sit amidst redevelopment plans including the building of 20,000 housing units and 2,000 commercial spaces, just a stone's throw away...



Ethiopia Electric Utility's medium-sized, burgundy Toyota pickup truck drives around Gurd Shola carrying wooden poles previously used to hold transmission lines. Such poles are constantly being replaced by their concrete versions, which offer greater stability and resilience, reducing the risk of electricity disruptions...