French Ambassdor Launches Gender Equality Initiative

Jun 17 , 2023

A program targeting legal reforms in prosecuting sexual crimes and fostering women's participation in the national dialogue and transitional justice issue was launched last week. It is expected to cost 928,000 Euros with the French Embassy partnering with Justice for All Ethiopia, EURIKA, Ethiopian Women Lawyers' Association, N4ED and organisations that are working in recovery and reconstruction. The program was held at the Hilton Hotel on Menilik II Avenue. Remy Marechaux, Ambassador of France in Ethiopia, remarked that the program is part of his government's prioritisation of gender equality both in his country and abroad. WHO's 2021 report indicates that 30pc of women have experienced intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence. The study notes that the figures are likely to be higher as many cases remain unreported due to societal influence and awareness gaps. France has been offering support in the fight against gender-based violence by allocating 850,000 euros for the "Fight against GBV" program, which lasted for three years starting in 2021.


Ministry Secures $86m Grants

An 86.18 million dollar grant agreement was signed between the Ministry of Finance, UNICEF and UNFPA last week to support the agencies' ongoing country programs for the fiscal year. Out of the total grant, UNICEF committed 70 million dollars to support its water, nutrition, education, health, sanitation, child protection, and gender projects. Meanwhile, UNFPA pledged 16.1 million dollars for family planning, maternal health, adolescent and youth development, and gender equality and women empo...


Authority Reports Fuel Import Stats

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Commercial Bank Collects $3.2b in Foreign Currency

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