March 21, 2021, Addis Ababa

Ethiopia – A workshop to present the findings of an assessment and redesign of the network, data center and IT security infrastructure at the Ministry of Revenue was held in the presence of representatives from the Ministry and the Delegation of the European Union to Ethiopia.

GIZ International Services in partnership with McKinsey & Company is implementing an EU funded project entitled ‘Technical Assistance for Business Environment and Investment Climate, including e-government (BEIC)’, to support

Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) reforms in Ethiopia.

The main objective of the IT Network redesign at the Ministry of Revenue was to upgrade the network infrastructure with the aim of enabling the future digitalization reforms planned by the Ministry.

The overall objective of the BEIC project is to contribute to the improvement of the business environment in Ethiopia, foster private sector development, and the generation of employment and income opportunities in the context of the Ease of Doing Business EU Funded Project Moves to Support the Ease of Doing Business in Ethiopia (EODB) reform program led by the Prime Ministers’ Office (PMO).

The project has a duration of 3 years starting from February 2021. The main beneficiaries of the project are the Ministry of Revenues (MoR), Ministry of Trade and Regional Integration (MoTRI), Ministry of Innovation and  Technology (MInT), National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) and the European Union Business Forum in Ethiopia (EUBFE).

Designed to deliver technical assistance and capacity-building support in multiple areas for the Ministry of Revenue among other beneficiaries, the project includes advice, expertise and training to support the establishment and

modernization of e-government systems. As part of this support, the BEIC Project has provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Revenues to assess and redesign the core IT network of the Ministry in order to improve technical capacities of the tax collection system.

In their opening remarks, a representative from the Ministry of Revenue (MOR) underlined that the project is an important contribution to the digitalization efforts of the Ministry.

The EU Delegation to Ethiopia also reiterated its continuous support in its partnership with the Government of Ethiopia and the need for all stakeholders to join hands for the success of the EODB reform.

The Government of Ethiopia has been actively implementing the Ease of Doing Business Reform Agenda to improve the investment climate of the country and boost private sector participation in the economy. The 2020 World Bank’s

Ease of Doing Business report (EODB) ranked Ethiopia 159 out of 190 countries, an improvement of two positions from 2018. The new leadership had a focused target to place Ethiopia among the Top 100 DB ranking Countries in 2021 and had formed an inter-ministerial committee led by the Prime Minister to improve specific pillars of the

ease of doing business.

PUBLISHED ON Mar 28,2022 [ VOL 22 , NO 1144]

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