EthSwitch Lights Profitable Horizons

EthSwitch Lights Profitable Horizons

EthSwitch, the national switch operator,  has reported 534 million Br in gross profits, registering a growth of 172pc from last year during the general assembly meeting held at the Hilton Hotel on Menelik II Ave. National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE), with 16 commercial banks, established the company in 2011, with 80.49 million Br paid-up capital, providing a domestic card scheme with Ethiopay ATM card services, fraud monitoring, and international gateway services. Ethswich has facilitated  113.29 billion birr transactions during the year, raising its paid-up capital to 94.1.5 billion Br and its Earnings Per Share(EPS) by 137pc to 719.93 Br. CEO Yilebes Addis revealed plans by  Ethswitch to improve the quality of services and enhance regional and international payment networks. Solomon Desta, board chairman of Ethswiitch, also remarked that the company is working on revamping its strategies and undertaking several projects to improve its financial capabilities. The interconnection protocol facilitated by EthSwitch managed 71 million interoperable ATM transactions worth 89.7  billion Br processed which was an increase of 79pc from last year. Total revenues of the company had increased by 129pc to 606.5 million Br.


Fitch Downgrades Lemmi National Cement Investor

Fitch Ratings has lowered West China Cement Limited's (WCC) credit rating due to concerns over its financial health and operating environment in Ethiopia. The company's Long-Term Issuer Default Rating has been downgraded to 'B-' from 'B+', and its senior unsecured rating has been reduced to 'CCC+'. WCC's free cash flow is expected to remain negative in 2024, primarily due to high capital expenditures and challenges in generating sufficient revenue. The company faces significant operating risk...


Ethiopia Seals Currency Swap Deal with China

Ethiopia and China have agreed to use their respective currencies for bilateral trade, a move aimed at enhancing economic cooperation and addressing foreign exchange challenges. The announcement was made by Ethiopian Finance Minister Ahmed Shide following the recent Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) meeting in Beijing. He revealed that the central banks of both countries are finalizing the details of the currency swap agreement, similar to the one Ethiopia signed with the United Arab...


USAID Launches National Youth SACCOs

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Integrated Youth Activity (IYA), Kefeta, has reached a milestone in its youth empowerment efforts. The Amref Health Africa-led project has successfully established youth-owned and managed Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) in 18 cities. The Kefeta Youth SACCO, now operational on a national scale, has already garnered substantial membership and savings. With over 7,800 members, 38,900 shares sold, and nearly 60 million Br in...
