Economic Association Proposes Market Stabilisation Board

Apr 30 , 2022

The Ethiopian Economic Association (EEA) has proposed the formation of a 'supply and price stabilisation board' to rein in galloping inflation. A study it conducted reveals that supply shortages, unstable economic governance, increased import trade tariffs, political instability, and armed conflict have been the main contributors to the skyrocketing cost of living. Headline inflation in March registered at 34.7pc, the eighth consecutive months above the 30pc mark, according to the Ethiopian Statistics Service. Food inflation clocked in at a staggering 43.4pc, the highest recorded in over a decade. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is expected to exacerbate the economic downturn brought on by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the armed conflict in the country's north as prices for fertiliser, cooking oil and fuel rise. The study indicates that declining productivity and inconsiderate bank interest rates on deposits are part of the equation as well. The Association is urging federal officials to consider allowing the import of pharmaceuticals, as well as selected construction, agricultural and industrial inputs, through Franco Valuta in addition to the basic food items the Ministry of Finance approved for the import scheme recently.


Ministry Secures $86m Grants

An 86.18 million dollar grant agreement was signed between the Ministry of Finance, UNICEF and UNFPA last week to support the agencies' ongoing country programs for the fiscal year. Out of the total grant, UNICEF committed 70 million dollars to support its water, nutrition, education, health, sanitation, child protection, and gender projects. Meanwhile, UNFPA pledged 16.1 million dollars for family planning, maternal health, adolescent and youth development, and gender equality and women empo...


Authority Reports Fuel Import Stats

Ethiopian Petroleum & Energy Authority (EPA) disclosed that 3.2 million tons of fuel were imported into the country during the last fiscal year. The figure includes 2.04 million tons of diesel and 767,672tns of benzene. In the past fiscal year, the digital payment system, Telebirr, facilitated transactions totalling 103 million volumes worth 61.8 billion Br. Of these transactions, 81.39pc were for diesel, while 17.82pc were for benzene. The number of fuel stations increased from 682 to...


Commercial Bank Collects $3.2b in Foreign Currency

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