Mar 28 , 2020

The national committee that was formed by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) to mobilise both financial and non-financial aid has secured 35 million Br in donations.

Composed of ministers and senior government officials and chaired by Misganu Arega, state minister for Trade & Industry, the committee also received in-kind donations including 2,500 face masks and 6,500 bottles of hand sanitizer.

Six businesses have donated a total of 14.5 million Br to the ongoing resource mobilisation efforts for emergency preparedness against the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Nib Bank has given the largest amount, five million Birr, followed by BGI Ethiopia's pledge of 3.5 million Br. Addis International and Enat banks pledged two million Birr each, while Nib Insurance and Aba-Hawa Trading, bottler of One Water, have each committed one million Birr.

Awash Bank and the state-owned Ethiopian Insurance Company each donated 10 million Br, while Daniel Construction, Ethiopian Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing Factory (EPHARM) and Hayder Kemal have also donated face masks and hand sanitizer.

PUBLISHED ON Mar 28,2020 [ VOL 20 , NO 1039]

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