Ephrem Tekle (MD)

Senior staff of the federal Jobs Creation Commission were taken by surprise over an unexpected resignation of Ephrem Tekle (MD), head of the Commission. The news caught the senior managment off guard for the Commissioner was on duty until yesterday evening, chairing meetings to discuss a newly launched project.

Ephrem resigned from his post today, August 6, 2020, attributing personal reasons for his abrupt decision. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) accepted his resignation.

Very few of his managent found out this morning that he would be leaving the Commission, while most of them learned about the news on Twitter along with everybody else, according to a senior staff at the Commission.

"We're still reeling from the news and haven’t processed it yet," this person told Fortune. "We're working on a new project and sharing feedback until the last minute yesterday."

Ephrem is the second high ranking official to tender a resignation in a month and a half time. End of June, Abebe Abebayehu departed from the Ethiopian Investment Commission, where he had been serving as commissioner for two years, citing similar personal reasons. However, he might have landed in a job at an international not-for-profit organisation.

Ephrem was appointed to lead the Commission in December 2018, the same year the Commission was established. He has been serving in the public sector for the past nine years at the Ministry of Health and Meqelle University. He also served as executive director at the International Institute for Primary Health Care.

Addis Abeba's Deputy Mayor Takele Uma is the high profile government official who responded to the tweet by Ephreme, which sent the Twitter-sphere by the storms.

"You're really missed," said the tweet by Takele. "Oh. Boy!"

PUBLISHED ON Aug 06,2020 [ VOL 21 , NO 1058]

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