Central Bank Poised to Introduce QR Standards

Central Bank Poised to Introduce QR Standards

The National Bank of Ethiopia began discussions with stakeholders last week on the pending implementation of a national Quick Response(QR) code standard for digital payment transactions. Chaired by Payment and Settlement Systems Director Solomon Damtew, representatives from several banks, fintech companies and the two switch system operators in the country discussed emerging trends at the central bank's headquarters. In the three-year strategy that was made available two weeks ago, the Central Bank revealed plans to increase the role and value of digital payments and financial services, with an ambitious goal to increase them more than fourfold to 17 trillion Br. In Africa, over 1.3 trillion dollars was transacted through inclusive payment systems last year with more than 31 billion transactions across 32 payment systems. The national digital ID dubbed Fayda, which hopes to onboard around 90 million Ethiopians onto its identification program, will play a crucial role in increasing the diversity of available digital finance tools. The World Bank, one of the major financial bankers of the project, is working through the FASTT (Frictionless Affordable Safe Timely Transactions) project to accelerate the adoption of interoperable digital payments in Africa and across emerging markets.


Ministry Secures $86m Grants

An 86.18 million dollar grant agreement was signed between the Ministry of Finance, UNICEF and UNFPA last week to support the agencies' ongoing country programs for the fiscal year. Out of the total grant, UNICEF committed 70 million dollars to support its water, nutrition, education, health, sanitation, child protection, and gender projects. Meanwhile, UNFPA pledged 16.1 million dollars for family planning, maternal health, adolescent and youth development, and gender equality and women empo...


Authority Reports Fuel Import Stats

Ethiopian Petroleum & Energy Authority (EPA) disclosed that 3.2 million tons of fuel were imported into the country during the last fiscal year. The figure includes 2.04 million tons of diesel and 767,672tns of benzene. In the past fiscal year, the digital payment system, Telebirr, facilitated transactions totalling 103 million volumes worth 61.8 billion Br. Of these transactions, 81.39pc were for diesel, while 17.82pc were for benzene. The number of fuel stations increased from 682 to...


Commercial Bank Collects $3.2b in Foreign Currency

The Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) announced robust performance in foreign currency collection for the past fiscal year, achieving 3.2 billion dollars in total mobilisation. This includes 2.07 billion dollars in remittances, with the Bank's Diaspora banking service and CBE Birr contributing 89.9 million dollars to the total. The performance details were shared during CBE's annual review meeting last week. "This achievement is particularly gratifying given the challenging economic climat...
