Feb 13 , 2021

Birtukan Mideksa

The National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) disclosed a directory of the 49,407 designated polling stations across all regions of the country with the exception of Tigray Regional State. The Board also disclosed that it has begun distributing election materials and equipment to the polling stations last week. This is expected to be finalised in three rounds.

Nearly two-thirds of the stations are located in Amhara and Oromia regional states, while 8,281 stations are in the Southern Nations, Nationalities & People's Regional State. Somali Regional State will have over 4,000 polling stations, and just under 1,900 of the stations will be hosted in the capital. The remaining seven regions will have nearly 9,500 stations.

The Board is currently conducting the training of poll workers, while candidate registration is scheduled for later this month. Voter registration is expected to occur between late March and early April with the polling date set for June 5, 2021.

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