World Bank Grants $210m for Water Supply Projects

Jun 18 , 2022

The World Bank Group has granted 210 million dollars in support of a nationwide water project. Part of the funding will be used to carry out assessments and expansion projects in 67 weredas by experts at the Ministry of Water & Energy. Water supply projects in 55 weredas, as well as four small-scale irrigation schemes in the Borena Zone of the Oromia Regional State, are set to benefit. Earlier this year, the Ministry awarded two firms a half-billion Birr contract to supply and install equipment that controls and measures utility water flow to cut down on wastage. Studies conducted by the Ministry revealed that close to 40pc of the water supply goes to waste, with the volume increasing in some places.


Ethiopia Revives WTO Ambitions After Five-Year Stall

Ethiopia's trade delegation led by Kassahun Gofe (PhD), a chief negotiator in the WTO accession talks, is reviving a long-stalled effort to join the World Trade Organisation (WTO), signalling renewed ambition following a five-year hiatus. He travelled last week to Geneva, Switzerland, where the WTO is headquartered, to conclude negotiations for membership by March next year. If successful, Ethiopia's accession to the world's trade body will be timed, with the 14th ministerial conference set t...


First Digital Insurance, Loan Services Launched

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