Ethiopian scientists Alemtaye Andarge and Yonas Abebe, Ethiopian senior scientists in Rockville, Maryland, presented what is noted as groundbreaking research in the fight against malaria. This team of scientists reported that an effective anti-malarial vaccine could infect humanized liver without the need for mosquitoes through in vitro production for the first time. Pedro Alonso (MD), Professor at the World Health University of Barcelona and Director of the WHO Malaria Programme, said that this great research result significantly impacts understanding of the importance of vaccine development. Published in the December issue of 'Nature', a research journal widely known for publishing new and high-quality research results. Alemtaye, one of the scientists, was recognized for her outstanding leadership in locating the materials required for the research from different companies, ensuring the uninterrupted continuation of the research during the worldwide pandemic. Formerly employed by the renowned National Institute of Health and GeneSeek Operations, Alemtaye was a former associate researcher for the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization. Yonas Abebe, is renowned for leading the training efforts for pharmaceutical operation teams.