Dec 24 , 2022
Indiana, Debre Markos, and Bahir Dar universities joined to host a workshop last week, funded with a 600,000 dollars grant from the US. Women from Bahir Dar and Debre Markos universities have participated in the workshop focusing on entrepreneurship geared towards empowerment. The US has a global effort to expand women entrepreneurs, with the Ethiopian project kicking off on international women's entrepreneurship day on November 22, 2022. Last year a 10,000 dollar grant from the US was awarded to four projects that offered outstanding prospects. Lifting Up Young Female Entrepreneurs (LIFYE), which aims to empower women to have their career paths, and Partnership in Business Entrepreneurship and Leadership Transformation (PIMBLET) were the two initiatives launched last week with aims to establish new business incubation centres and survey the entrepreneurship landscape in Bahir Dar city, the seat of the Amhara Regional State. The Academy of Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) will train women from Jima, Addis Abeba, and Dire Dewa cities using a US State Department tool - Dream Builder.