Apr 11 , 2020

Tigray Regional State is set to start door-to-door tests for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) for residents across the regional state.

Officials in the Tigray Regional State are set to start door-to-door monitoring for signs of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) for residents across the Regional State.

Hagos Godefey (PhD), head of the Regional State's Health Bureau, has announced door-to-door checking will be conducted for four days starting from April 13, 2020. Residents will be required to disclose if they have a travel history and will be subject to temperature checks.

The Bureau will deploy over 23,000 healthcare workers, teachers and agricultural extension workers, according to Hagos.

The Regional State has also arranged temporary quarantine facilities at all health centres in case of any suspected cases. The centres will be able to accommodate these cases for 24 hours before they can be moved to one of the 10 established quarantine centres in the Regional State. Tigray Regional State, which has reported no confirmed cases, has declared a three-month state of emergency.

The Addis Abeba City Administration has also announced that it will start door-to-door screening across its 117 weredas beginning next week.

Along with medical staff in the city, 1,700 volunteer retired professionals will take part in the screening process, Deputy Mayor Takele Uma disclosed today.

Ethiopia has reported 69 confirmed cases with three fatalities and 10 recoveries.

PUBLISHED ON Apr 11,2020 [ VOL 21 , NO 1041]

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