Mar 28 , 2020

Tigray Regional State has restricted travel between cities and towns in the regional state as of March 28, 2020. In an effort to combat the spread of Coronavirus, the state announced a two-week state of emergency.

The Regional State, which has not reported any cases of the virus, has organised a command post that has five members and is chaired by Debretsion G. Michael (PhD), vice administrator of the Regional State.

The decree also bans large social gatherings including weddings and restricts the maximum number of people who can attend a funeral to 20. Bars, nightclubs, coffee shops and large markets are going to remain closed for the next two weeks, whereas hotels, cafes and restaurants will open their doors but with strict preventive measures.

The Regional State has also established four special task forces that will focus on the media, civil service, security and economy of the state. Travelers with destinations in the Regional State will be screened at all of the gates, and people commuting by bus will have to enter the Regional State before 6:00pm.

Minibuses are allowed to carry eight people, whereas three-wheeled vehicles can only serve one person.

PUBLISHED ON Mar 28,2020 [ VOL 20 , NO 1039]

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