Dec 5 , 2020
The Food Security & Productive Safety Net Agency has started its second round of life skills and financial literacy training for 49,000 heads of households. Trainees are part of the 201,000 beneficiaries that were being supported by the second round of the Urban Productive Safety Net Programme launched in 2017. The entire Programme has benefitted 604,000 people throughout 11 cities in the country including Addis Abeba. At the end of the Programme, the beneficiaries receive training to engage in businesses of their choosing. Over 500 staff from the Agency have aided graduates from the Programme in crafting their business proposals for micro and small business enterprises. The training, which will last up to 13 days, is being conducted across 14 Technical & Vocational Training Colleges and will involve 7,000 trainers. Funded by the World Bank and the government, the Programme aims to improve the incomes of the urban poor and facilitate the inclusion of disadvantaged urban youth in the labour market.