A set of projects spearheaded as part of ease of doing business reform with a 7.2 million euro finance from the European Union (EU) is set to improve and navigate the lingering concerns in Ethiopia's business landscape. E-governance projects are undertaken by GIZ International Services and Mckinsey & Company in cooperation with five federal agencies, including the Justice, Trade, Innovation, Revenues ministries and National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) are part of the wider plan to improve the digital ecosystem and improve the business climate. The new systems aspire to build an infrastructure that enables the creation of a digital ecosystem with increased interactions and integrated systems across several private sectors. The projects availed last week at Sheraton Hotel, are the E-consultation, E-tax, and development of the credit-rating system (CRS), upgrading E-trade system, E-PPD(Public-private dialogue), and revision of the e-governance proclamation. The project was kicked off in 2021 and was set for next year, overseen by a National Authorising Office. Alberto Gomez, team leader, stated the ubiquity of a web of tangles in the business landscape with bureaucratic hurdles from starting a business, tax payments, obtaining licenses, to access to finance. He stated it is instrumental in curbing such practices and boosting the ease of doing business is electronic alternatives.