A pink car sits outside a flower shop around the Megenagna area catching the eye of holiday shoppers. New Year celebrations usually entail shopping for brand-new clothes and home furniture as households aspire for a renaissance of both goods and spirits. This year brings with it a surge in prices of basic consumption goods like teff and flour which have increased by a third of their amount in two months. Few appear gleeful and in festive spirits as shoppers find the increased expenses of the holiday season a troublesome inconvenience  


Ethiopia Revives WTO Ambitions After Five-Year Stall

Ethiopia's trade delegation led by Kassahun Gofe (PhD), a chief negotiator in the WTO accession talks, is reviving a long-stalled effort to join the World Trade Organisation (WTO), signalling renewed ambition following a five-year hiatus. He travelled last week to Geneva, Switzerland, where the WTO is headquartered, to conclude negotiations for membership by March next year. If successful, Ethiopia's accession to the world's trade body will be timed, with the 14th ministerial conference set t...


First Digital Insurance, Loan Services Launched

A new digital insurance and loan service platform christened 'Agar' - translated as a partner - has debuted in the market, marking a notable entry into the financial sector. The initiative, a collaboration among Global Bank Ethiopia, Lucy Insurance, and Kacha Digital Financial Services, pledged to transform access to insurance and credit for various user groups, including insurance policy buyers, taxi drivers, and salaried employees. For Abraham Tilahun, CEO of Kacha Digital Financial Service...


City Forms Task Force to Regulate Informal Street Vendors

A new task force under the city administration will enforce new regulations designed to restore order on the streets of Addis Abeba and address concerns over cleanliness and public safety. The task force has been established to enforce regulations imposed on informal street vendors. The city's Trade Bureau launched the initiative to address the increasing informal trading, which city officials say has been "disruptive to the established trade system." The task force is headed by Deputy Mayor...