Oct 19 , 2019
The Oromia Enterprise & Industry Development Bureau has allocated three billion Birr to create 1.1 million jobs in the regional state this year. The Bureau also began giving training to stakeholders in Adama, Oromia Regional State. The training aims to create and improve awareness of small and medium enterprises to be a base for the industrial sector, according to Getachew Geleta, deputy head of the Bureau. Currently, the training is also given in six different Oromia towns. The nation has about 11 million unemployed people, while the capital city has 700,000 unemployed people, about a quarter of the city's population. Two years ago parliament approved a 10 billion Br revolving fund allocated to 2.9 million unemployed youth. Managed by the then Ministry of Youth & Sports, the fund was disbursed through the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.