Oct 28 , 2023
Six pledges were identified at the validation workshop organised by Ethiopian Refugees and Returnees Services (RSS) in Bishoftu (Debrezeit), Oromia Regional State last week to endorse the government's main targets for the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva, Switzerland. Transforming selected refugee camps into urban settlements, integrating refugees into the national system and creating enabling environments for refugees through investments were highlighted at the session. Meanwhile, addressing climate change, providing access to lands and irrigation schemes, and enhancing the capacity of the government to provide registration and civil documentation were endorsed. The session was attended by Teyba Hassen, head of RSS, Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonen and representatives of the UNHCR and IGAD. Demeke highlighted the need to facilitate the integration of refugees into the national system, noting that Ethiopia remains one of the largest refugee-hosting countries in Africa. According to a UN report, there are currently more than 930,000 refugees and asylum seekers residing in Ethiopia, with most originating from South Sudan, Somalia, and Eritrea. In the past week alone, 39,667 Sudanese and Ethiopian returnees had arrived at the borders of Ethiopia.