Sep 28 , 2019
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Save the Children launched a two-million-dollar project to support higher education institutions in Ethiopia. To be implemented by Save the Children, the project is under USAID’s five year project called Building the Potential of Youth Activity and will be implemented in collaboration of the Ministry of Science & Higher Education. The project is aimed at addressing the mismatch between the skills of graduating students and the demands of the job market by creating awareness on high-order thinking skills, positive self-concepts, self-control and social skills that will strengthen the employability of graduates. The initiative will partner with Bahir Dar, Hawassa, Jigjiga, Jimma, Mekelle and Semera universities to equip graduates with these skills. The universities will create partnerships with Technical, Vocational Education & Training institutions to address skills mismatches and create partnerships with the private sector and potential employers. "It will also facilitate knowledge exchanges at the national level and will develop a digital platform to link employers with educational institutes," reads the announcement. Brandeis University from the United States in partnership with Save the Children will provide technical support during the implementation process.