The Addis Abeba City Administration Revenues Bureau has launched a new work unit to ensure the quality of tax audit decisions through a re[1]auditing procedure. According to Adane Sule, the head of the bureau's office, the new audit quality assurance unit will seek to address gaps and malpractices that previously existed due to the absence of a similar body to verify tax audit decisions. He asserts that the unit's main goal is to re-audit decisions, verify their quality and relevance, and correct any inappropriate audit decisions. The unit will re-audit decisions made from July 2024 onwards. All tax decisions made by tax auditors in all branch offices will be re-verified. The Bureau has also established a grievance procedure, and 55pc to 60pc of decisions for which grievances were submitted were revised in the first half of the budget year. Taxpayers can submit grievances and tips through a toll-free number 7075. Sewnet Ayele, head of communications at the Bureau, explained that data from all 17 branches will be transferred to the new unit, which would centralize audits to prevent bribery. He added that the existing compliance system will remain in place. In a world where materials and component