The bill drafted for a loan agreement to finance the Meqelle Water Supply Development Project was passed for further review with 20 abstentions and against votes. The 230 million dollars of financing that came from the Export-Import Bank (EX-IM Bank) was aimed at financing the construction of a dam on Giba River with a capacity of holding 362 million cubic meters of water. The project also includes the construction of a water treatment plant with a daily treatment capacity of 136,700 cubic metres roads, procurement of electromechanical equipment and other utilities. After a fierce debate, the bill was passed to Finance, Revenues & Budget Affairs Standing Committee for further review. The framework for the interest-free loan agreement was signed in May 2018 in Addis Abeba, while the concessional loan was signed in Beijing the following month between the governments of Ethiopia and China. The loan will be repaid within 20 years and has between seven to 10 years of grace periods.