Jan 11 , 2020
The Ministry of Water, Irrigation & Energy launched a new road map that aims at boosting the country’s power supply by four-fold from its current generating capacity. While having a capacity of generating 40,000MW to 50,000MW of electric power, the country only generates 4,400MW from water and other renewable energy sources, according to the Ministry. The 10-year energy road map aims at expanding the power-generating ability of Ethiopia and to meet the demand, according to Frehiwot Weldehana (PhD), state minister for Water, Irrigation & Energy. The current 20,000Km of electric line coverage will be upgraded to 34,000Km, while the existing 204 electric distribution stations will expand to 256, according to the road map. Ethiopia will also generate 20,000MW of energy at the end of the 10 years, of which 14,000MW will come from hydro, while 1,700MW, 900MW and 2,000MW will be generated from solar, geothermal and wind sources, respectively.