Jan 16 , 2024
In a bid to help improve digital education through an information and technology transfer partnership program, the Ministry of Education signed a two-year agreement with the Education Bureau of Korea. It will comprise the facilitation of ICT supplies and training for selected teachers by the education ministry for capacity-building training for digital education skills. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO) Report, the use of digital technology in Ethiopian schools is limited, mainly due to limited infrastructure development in information and communication technology (ICT) and a lack of trained human resources. State Minister for Education Ayelech Eshete and Lim-Jong Sik, head of education affairs of Korea Geongsangbuk-do, signed the agreement last week. Ethiopia stood 151st in the United Nations e-Government Development Index out of 193 countries, signalling that the country has had minimal investment in the expansion of technological infrastructure. The report recommended building the capacity of teachers in digital and pedagogical skills through continuous professional development and reforming teacher education and training to augment the use of digital technology.