Officials at the Ministry of Water & Energy are launching a new 10-year National Drinking Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Program, funded by a 500 million dollar World Bank loan. It aims to improve access to clean water and sanitation services across 118 weredas. A consultation forum aimed to gather input on the program's design and implementation was held last week. Kebede Gerba (PhD), advisor to the Minister, outlined key changes such as a shift from an input-based approach focusing on construction to a results-based payment system. He said the funding will be tied to achieving specific service delivery goals while ensuring service providers deliver at the best of their capacity. Asfaw Dingamo, state minister, stressed the importance of policies and strategies to ensure fair and sustainable service delivery. He said the government's role in coordinating WASH sector activities since the establishment has room for improvement with most residents lacking access to the essential services.