Digital advertising on ride-hailing vehicles was officially launched at the Sheraton Addis last week after a pilot program by MBY Ethiopia. Established two years ago, MBY Ethiopia provides software solutions and marketing services. The software vendor has proposed an advertising service for companies with a list of clients, such as Ethiopian Airlines, as well as banks like Dashen, Awash, Tsehay, and Zemen, among 18 companies. It plans to expand its businesses to 5,000 taxis and public transport services. The software company plans to install LCD digital information boards in health centres. Partnering with Zé-Lucy Meter Taxi, a general trading and ride-hailing service company formed by the association of 18 companies, close to 250 green and yellow taxies have been dispatched. The LCDs are installed on the back of the two front seats inside the meter taxis. The State Minister for Innovation & Technology, Huria Ali applauded the move and said that her Ministry is formulating policies to regulate the technology sector.