Mar 13 , 2021
Japan inaugurated a school-block construction project for Awash Primary School in Sebat Kilo Town, Afar Regional State, built for 89,280 dollars. The project includes two new blocks at the primary school and eight new classrooms that will enable 800 students to enroll at the school. The project was funded through Japan’s Grant Assistance for Grassroots & Human Security Projects (GGP), which also inaugurated a primary school expansion project, built with 100,000 dollars in Gunchire, Gurage Zone in the Southern Regional State a few weeks ago. At the end of January, the project extended a 3.5-million-Br grant for an expansion project of Dalota Pre-Primary School in Galan town, Oromia Regional State. The additional facilities will enable the school to accommodate 400 students, nearly double its previous capacity. The GGP was first introduced in 1989, and over 400 projects have been implemented across the country through this scheme in sectors such as education and health services.