Aug 14 , 2021
Bottling companies and industries involved in agri-businesses partners to form an alliance in a bid to recycle water that they use for their establishments. Supported by international organizations, including the Water Aid, the formation of the alliance was faclitated by the Ethiopian Bottled Water, Soft Drink, Fruit & Vegetable Manufacturing/Processing Industries Association. Funds collected for the alliance have so far reached 135,000 dollars, of which 35,000 dollars was collected from members and 100,000 dollars from P4G – Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030. The Alliance is also reviewing proposals from interested parties that came up with ideas on how to use water efficiently in the industries where consumption of water is very high. Four proposals have been selected from a total of 360 collected since 2019. Setting August 26, 2021, as the formation date, the Association of 120 manufacturers and supporting organisations are set to convene at the Hilton Hotel, and sign the alliance formation charter. After the formation, the alliance will form its management and be tasked with the assignment of registering as a civil society organisation.