Aug 22 , 2020
The government of India has donated 100,000 hydroxychloroquine tablets, lifesaving antibiotics and other essential drugs to the Ministry of Health. The ceremony, which was held at the premises of the Embassy of India on August 21, 2020, was made in fulfillment of India's pledge to help 25 African countries, including Ethiopia, combat the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Earlier this year, the Indian government allowed the export of five million surgical masks upon the request of the Health Ministry. India also previously donated a 64-Slice CT Scan machine to Black Lion Hospital, 1,000tn of rice, two million dollars worth of medicine and 1,000 math and science textbooks. The strengthening of the development partnership cooperation between the two countries was also carried out under the framework of the India Africa Forum Summit (IAFS) III held in New Delhi in 2015. The five-year commitments under this framework include concessional credit worth 10 billion dollars, grant assistance worth 600 million dollars and an India-Africa Health Fund worth 10 million dollars, and 50,000 scholarships.