Jan 15 , 2022
Hijra Bank has opened 17 branches since it became operational in September last year. Seven of the branches are located in Addis Abeba and neighbouring towns while the remaining are spread across the rest of the country. Locations include Jimma (Oromia Regional State); Halaba, Werehabe and Shashemene (Southern Regional State); and Dessie in the Amhara Regional State. Hijra was incorporated with a capital of 1.2 billion Br, of which 700 million Br is paid-up. The Bank is the second full-fledged interest-free bank to open its doors following ZamZam Bank. ZamZam has been operational since June 2021 with a paid-up capital of over 870 million Br and has opened over a dozen branches in the capital and other cities thus far.