Tsion Fisseha

Tsion Fisseha

Tsion Fisseha is a writer and head of foreign languages in the news department at a local TV station. She has been a part of a pan African poetry slam competition representing Ethiopia and is a member of a rock band entitled the Green Manalishi. She can be reached at tsion.f.terefe@gmail.com.

Tsion Fisseha's Articles

Passion or Money: That is the Question

Nov 23 , 2019 . By Tsion Fisseha

The first day I learned about poetry was in the third grade. My English teacher (also...

Solitude not Same as Loneliness

Nov 16 , 2019 . By Tsion Fisseha

Growing up with a significant age gap with my siblings, I found solace in being alone. I somehow crafted a whole universe in my own room. My...

Memes: Not Funny Sometimes

Nov 9 , 2019 . By Tsion Fisseha

How far can funny pictures on the internet go? And how much of them are socially conscious? The internet has officially become a middle-aged...

Not Dumb to Ask for Help

Nov 2 , 2019 . By Tsion Fisseha

It was early in the morning, and I was barely awake. My dad, the surprisingly loud and chirpy morning person, comes and sits beside the bed...

Different Shades of Grey

Oct 26 , 2019 . By Tsion Fisseha

It is never all about the matter of fact but the matter of one's perspective. That is why the German philosopher, cultural critic, composer...

Letting Go and Moving On

Oct 19 , 2019 . By Tsion Fisseha

I have written before about the nature of human beings and their characteristics associated with being social animals. Part of being a human...

Facing Up to Reality

Oct 12 , 2019 . By Tsion Fisseha

I had the chance to watch the Oscar-nominated Ethiopian movie a couple of days ago. In the interest of the people that have not had the chan...

Walking the Talk

Oct 5 , 2019 . By Tsion Fisseha

Having received a warning of the roads being closed on the day of "Damera," I left work early and headed straight home. When I got there, my...

Balancing Self-Love and Self-Sacrifice

Sep 28 , 2019 . By Tsion Fisseha

How does one know what one is willing to sacrifice? And how can one know for sure that it is worth it? Wh...

Humane Politics

Sep 21 , 2019 . By Tsion Fisseha

The first memory I have of the Prime Minister's Office is driving past it with my dad when I was very young. I had clear and seemingly weird...

Contemplation in Gonder

Sep 14 , 2019 . By Tsion Fisseha

With an attempt to expand my horizon and also spend some quality time with my friend, I made my way up to one of the most historical cities...

New Year’s Resolutions

Sep 7 , 2019 . By Tsion Fisseha

The Ethiopian year is almost over and the New Year is around the corner. Ethiopia's 2012 is almost here with all the hopes of prosperity and...
