Feasibility Study Targets Sugar Estate Rebound

Jun 30 , 2024

The Tana Beles Sugar Factory in Amhara Regional State edges closer to restarting operations following the completion of a second feasibility study by the Industrial Projects Services(IPS). It is one of the largest sugar projects nationwide that faced nationwide closure due to mounting security issues and operational setbacks. IPS is conducting feasibility studies on three other sugar factories to identify funding shortages, climate issues, and contractor disputes that could have led to their closure. Shewaferaw Solomon, IPS's general manager, submitted the feasibility report to Abebe Yhine, the factory's executive director, at its headquarters on Haile Gebreselassie St. Despite sugar production's history tracing back nearly 100 years, adequate supply has been largely out of reach. Recent efforts to address these difficulties have included privatising eight sugar factories. The Ethiopian Sugar Industry Group, formed in April 2022 with a capital of 115 billion Br and comprising five sugar estates and eight factories under construction, has offered five of its estates to international buyers. Ethiopian Investment Holding (EIH) is engaged in renegotiations with interested bidders that were deterred due to issues related to security concerns and access to foreign currency.


Feasibility Study Targets Sugar Estate Rebound

The Tana Beles Sugar Factory in Amhara Regional State edges closer to restarting operations following the completion of a second feasibility study by the Industrial Projects Services(IPS). It is one of the largest sugar projects nationwide that faced nationwide closure due to mounting security issues and operational setbacks. IPS is conducting feasibility studies on three other sugar factories to identify funding shortages, climate issues, and contractor disputes that could have led to their...


Ethio Tel Kicks Off Smart Campus Project

Ethio Telecom signed a strategic partnership agreement with Addis Abeba University for a project that allows digital grading, reporting, and smart learning capabilities at the Sidist Kilo Campus on Mekude Bentylrgu St. The smart campus project kicked off last week also incorporates digitization of outpatient, laboratory testing and appointments  at the Tikur Anbessa Specialised Hospital. Frehiwot Tamiru, CEO of the state-owned telecommunications operator, indicated plans to enable all educat...


Boutique Mining Firm Commissions Processing Plant

Akobo Minerals, a Norway-based gold exploration and mining company, has completed the construction of its processing plant at its boutique mine in South Western Ethiopia. The company holds an exploration license covering 182 km2 and a 16 km2 mining license in the Segele Shama gold district in the Dima Wereda 720 km southwest of the capital in Gambella Regional State. Akobo has explored the gold project since 2010 despite completing drilling holes on 59 sites last year. It expects advancements...
