Jul 21 , 2024
New platforms were launched to connect smallholder farmers with potential buyers and improve the distribution of agricultural inputs, ensuring efficient and transparent delivery of fertilisers, improved seeds, and chemicals. Dubbed the Automation of the Input Voucher System and the development and implementation of a Digital Market Linkage Platform, the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Institute (ATI) partnered with the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) to avail the products. ATI has reached about four million smallholder farmers, delivered over 340 strategic studies, and implemented over 50 projects. Yihenew Zewde, AGRA's Country Director highlighted the importance of supporting the entire agricultural value chain. He said the E-voucher is an upgraded digital system that reaches 9.5 million smallholder farmers by cutting costs and removing middlemen. Nearly half a million quintals of fertiliser, improved seeds, and agrochemicals, were given to 242,000 farmers in Amhara Regional State while receiving 1.15 billion Br in input loans, according to him. They plan to reach 590 woredas across Oromia, Amhara, Tigray and Southern regional states.