Ethiopia's Third Shot at Peace Gets a $6.7m Boost

A 6.7 million dollars to finance the National Rehabilitation Commission (NRC)'s disarmament, demobilisation, and reintegration (DDR) program for nearly 370,000 ex-combatants, was pledged by the Japanese government. The financing will be channelled to the design, implementation and monitoring of the DDR program across eight regional states. Shibata Hironori, ambassador of Japan to Ethiopia, signed the agreement last week at the Ministry of Finance headquarters on King George VI St with Tesfalem Yihdego, deputy commissioner of the Commission and Semerta Sewasew, state minister for Finance. Ethiopia's third DDR program follows a 174-million-dollar effort over five years following the conflict with Eritrea. The first one was a 198 million-dollar project following the fall of the Derg regime 32 years ago. The government began efforts to mobilise funds to finance the DDR programs shortly after a cessation of hostilities agreement was signed in November 2022 after one of the bloodiest wars in the country's history. Temesgen Tilahun, the former deputy commissioner at the Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC), replaced Teshome Toga last month to head the NRC. The UN Department for Peace-Keeping Operations (DPKO), the UN Development Programme (UNDP), and the World Bank have carried out disarmament and demobilisation processes globally, with 73 implementations since their inception in the 1970s.


Adama-Awash Expressway Construction to Relocate Hundreds of Households

Hundreds of households and thousands of hectares of farmland are poised for relocation for the construction of the Adama-Awash Expressway, with total estimated budget for compensation and related costs amounts to 502.9 million Br. According to environmental and social impact assessment done by Indian firm Aarvee Associates Architects Engineers & Consultants and a local firm Net Consult Plc, Ethiopian Roads Authority, in collaboration with local governments, has prepared a comprehensive Re...


INSA Unveils New Data Center to Bolster Cybersecurity

The Information Network Security Agency (INSA) has introduced a new data centre that will provide digital certificates for national institutions and private companies, ensuring data confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation. The digital certificate authority (CA) will serve as a trusted third party, verifying the identity of individuals and organisations involved in digital transactions. This will help prevent fraud, unauthorised access, and other cyber threats. Authori...


Midroc Gold Expands with Million Dollar Machine Investment

Midroc Gold, a leading company in gold mining industry, has upgraded its operations with the acquisition of new heavy mining equipment, valued at over 1.5 million dollars. The delivery of two Komatsu excavators and a motor grader took place at the Legadembi Midroc Gold mine last week. Midroc is engaged in the extraction and processing of gold through its open and underground pits at the Legedenbi and Sakaro extraction sites, and a processing plant nearby. Ries Engineering, the distributor of...
