Addis Abeba came to a standstill when cars were forced to pay for petrol using digital technology rather than cash last week. Several technologies started offering their services to facilitate cashless transactions with the state-owned Telebirr taking the major share. However, public discontent and confusion were visible as cars queued for hours. Authorities contend it is part of the reformation to materialise digital transactions, arguing that it will regulate the distribution and reduce wasted amounts. The unexpected decision caused a slew of issues. The new method appears to be difficult for novice users, while others were unable to make payments due to system failure. Fuel providers observed decreased sales as the concept of making cashless service necessary is lost on legal experts who believe that customers have the right to get service in cash.

You can read the full story    here    

PUBLISHED ON Apr 29,2023 [ VOL 24 , NO 1200]

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