The COVID-19 National Ministerial Committee has issued a directive that increases the tariff on inter-regional transportation by between 75pc to 100pc, intending to curb the movement of people. The directive requires vehicles with 45 seats to charge passengers 100pc more than the regular fare and buses with more than 45 seats to increase their rate by 75pc. Previously, the inter-regional transportation fare was capped at a 50pc increase from the regular rate. The new decision of the Committee has also repealed the controversial decree that permits the use of private cars on alternating days. Increased congestion in public transportation options on days when people were not able to use their cars has led to an outcome contrary to the motive of the decree, according to Zinabu Tunu, communications director at the Office of the Attorney General . The new regulation also mandates the use of masks in all public spaces with the exception of people’s own houses.