The Addis Abeba Transport Bureau has announced a bump in transport fares a week after the 25pc hike on fuel. The fare increases vary between 50 cent and 3.5 Br depending on the length of the route. Commuters on short taxi routes (up to eight kilometres) will now be asked to pay four Birr, up from three Birr. The longest routes (up to 30Km) will cost 30 Br, a 3.5 Br increase. Routes with lengths in between have also seen fares rise by an average of 20pc. The announcement is welcome news to transport service providers, who have been operating with the old prices for a week after fuel retail prices climbed by around six Birr a litre for both benzene and diesel. A litre of diesel is now being sold 28.94 Br while a litre of benzene is going for 31.74 Br.