Jul 6 , 2019
The Ministry of Agriculture has distributed 1,000 copies of two textbooks for 16 Agricultural Technical & Vocational Education & Training (ATVET) colleges. Funded by Ethio China ATVET Program, the two textbooks are part of the 13 textbooks the Ministry is revising. The revision started six years ago and is set to be completed by next year. Six of the textbooks have reached the final draft stage. The new books are set to solve current problems of unclear concepts, lack of logical titles, and inadequate and unbalanced content in the material, according to Sani Redi, state minister for Agriculture. Ethio China ATVET Program was launched in 2001 with the aim of dispatching Chinese instructors into agricultural vocational education and training colleges. Currently, most of the Chinese instructors are found in three colleges of Alage, Agafra and Holeta where they teach 56 courses in six departments.