A crew of public servants mounts a new speed bump around the financial district in the Mexico area. According to a three-year study by the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety, the Haile Garment, Bole Bulbula and Gurd Shola areas were reported as hotspots of traffic accidents. Nearly 78pc of traffic accident fatalities are pedestrians of which nearly half are between the ages of 20-49. Recent advances in artificial intelligence technology applied in self-driving cars have been indicated as holding the potential to significantly decrease the frequency and severity of traffic accidents globally.



A retired red BMW and a well-worn sofa still in use sit side-by-side around CMC. Relics of past journeys, their faded forms rich with memories, now they sit as outdoor junk. Addis Abeba generates approximately 750,000tns of municipal solid waste annually with an average per capita household waste of 0.45kg a day. Most of it is dumped in landfills, although illegal open dumping and burning remain widespread practices. Landfills and neighborhoods are increasingly burdened by plastic waste and used...



A man walks his donkeys around Abrehot Library, Arat Kilo, Addis Abeba's newly upgraded neighbourhood, where sleek asphalt and modern architecture meet the timeless pace of animal transport. With nearly 10 million donkeys, Ethiopia ranks number one in the world for its donkey population, a testament to their enduring role in the nation's economy. Modern corridor developments in Addis Abeba, intended for swift motorized transportation, stand in stark contrast to the continued reliance on donkeys...



A man is pouring water on the evenly queued Jerry cans, in the streets of Adey Abeba, around Saris. The city's 5.2 million residents require a staggering 1.3 million cubic meters of water daily. However, supplies stand at around 800,000 cubic meters. This has young men race door-to-door, selling jerry cans for around  40 Br.  While this fills immediate needs, it's just a quick fix to the city's deeper water crisis. Recent road development has resulted in water supply interruptions due to pipel...