Fortune has curated five scenes and consumer products, which once were common and widely practised in the capital, but have started to disappear these days.

Things change. That may be a cliche, but it is also true. Addis Abeba is a big city now with high rises, ring roads and even a train service. A lot of its residents live in condominium apartments. These new living arrangements bring along with them lifestyle changes. Some of the consumer products and services routinely used back in the 1980s and 90s have now disappeared from the scene. So much so that the younger generation is not even aware of some of the products or services since they have become extinct.

Fortune has curated five scenes and consumer products, which were common and widely practised in the capital but have started to disappear these days.

These trends are common and are the result of technological advancements, according to experts. Yeraswork Admassie (PhD), a lecturer at Addis Abeba University’s College of Social Science, says that technology is interrelated with the growth of human populations.

The younger generation is not even aware of some products or services, since they have already gone extinct.

“It’s the population growth that influences the invention of new things that replaced the old practices,” Yeraswork says.

Fortune has curated five scenes and consumer products, which once were common and widely practised in the capital, but have started to disappear these days.

You can read the full story    here    

PUBLISHED ON Sep 08,2019 [ VOL 20 , NO 1011]

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