The Amhara Regional State's six-month performance review revealed substantial budget shortfalls, achieving only 28.27pc of its targeted revenue. Chief Administrator Arega Kebede reported to the regional council that of the planned 71.65 billion Br for the current fiscal year, only 20.26 billion Br was collected. Despite this, revenue did see a year-on-year increase of four billion Birr. The regional state's tax-to-GDP ratio stands at a low 2.82pc, far below the national average of 7.05pc. Arega acknowledged that in the previous fiscal year, regional income covered only 46pc of expenditures, attributing the current revenue shortfall to ongoing regional struggles, including security issues and instability. While the federal government allocated 46.6 billion Br to the region, only 26.21 billion Br was disbursed. The regional council had approved a 150.6 billion Br annual budget, with 34 billion Br spent in the first half of the year. The report also addressed job creation, revealing that only 286,139 of the targeted 493,497 permanent jobs were created in the first six months. Further, 34,000 overseas employment opportunities were realized.