As the clock strikes midnight on new year’s eve, many feel a surge of optimism, ready to turn the page on old habits and commit to new goals. It is a tradition rooted in the belief that the new year offers a clean slate—a chance to transform lives for the better. Whether the aim is to improve fitness, build stronger relationships, or take on new ventures, New Year’s resolutions symbolise hope, personal growth, and change.

But, despite the promise they hold, the majority of resolutions are abandoned within the first few months. According to studies, nearly 80pc of people fail to sustain their goals past the second month. The reasons for this widespread failure are varied. Some lack a clear sense of direction or practical steps for implementation, while others fall victim to setting unrealistic expectations. The initial motivation, while powerful, usually fades when faced with the realities of daily life, leaving many disheartened and frustrated.

The problem lies in the approach. Too often, they are made in haste, spurred by the excitement of the moment, without proper planning or understanding of what it takes to turn a desire into a lasting habit.

Take, for instance, fitness—a perennial favourite among new year's goals. People frequently dive headfirst into intense workout routines, neglecting important considerations like health, safety, and realistic goal-setting. Others opt for crash diets without understanding the importance of nutrition and hydration, which ultimately makes the effort unsustainable. In the same vein, major life goals, such as getting married, can be clouded by romantic ideals without deeper conversations about finances, family dynamics, and the long-term realities of partnership.

Even seemingly simpler goals like home improvement or relocating require far more thought than some initially realise. Jumping into a renovation project without a clear budget or timeline can result in wasted resources while moving to a new neighbourhood without considering factors like transportation or pollution can turn a dream home into a source of regret. When it comes to side hustles, the lure of quick financial gain leads people to start without understanding the market, juggling too many responsibilities, or failing to manage their time effectively.

What all these resolutions have in common is the need for careful forethought and strategic planning. Success comes not from sheer willpower or enthusiasm, but from setting realistic expectations, understanding the challenges ahead, and being prepared to overcome them.

Here are five of the most common New Year’s resolutions—fitness, marriage, home improvement, relocating, and side hustles—with practical tips on how to not only set these goals but also sustain them for the long term.


Staying fit consistently tops the list of New Year’s resolutions. But many people lose steam within the first few weeks. Without a structured approach, it is easy to give up when motivation wanes or results do not come quickly. Here is how to create a plan that sticks.

Health and Safety

Before starting any new workout routine, especially when there are pre-existing health conditions, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional. Overexertion can lead to injuries, so listening to the body and pacing oneself is important.

Set Achievable Goals

Start with small, realistic targets and gradually increase intensity. Pick enjoyable activities, whether it is swimming, jogging, or group fitness classes as having fun will help stay committed.

Nutrition and Hydration

Pairing exercise with the right nutrition is key to fueling workouts. Eating a balanced diet that includes enough protein, fruits, and vegetables helps with muscle repair and energy levels. Staying hydrated, particularly during workouts, prevents fatigue and enhances performance.

Rest and Recovery

The body needs time to recover and rebuild. Ensure that adequate sleep and rest days are incorporated into the routine to avoid overtraining and burnout.

Motivation and Support

Find ways to stay motivated by celebrating small milestones. Workout buddies or group fitness classes can help with accountability and make exercise more enjoyable.


For those entering or contemplating marriage, the excitement of planning a wedding sometimes overshadows the preparation required for a successful marriage. Beyond love, commitment and communication are crucial.

Focus on the Long Term

A wedding is a single day, but marriage is a lifetime commitment. It is important to focus on the foundation of relationships and not just the grandeur of the wedding celebration.

Set Ground Rules

Openly discuss values and principles that will guide the marriage. Whether religious, cultural, or personal, establishing mutual expectations can provide a roadmap for navigating conflicts.

Foundation of Respect

Trust, empathy, and effective communication are the pillars of a strong marriage. Discuss practical aspects such as finances, career goals, and household responsibilities before problems arise.

Family Dynamics

Marriage blends not only two individuals but also two families. Understanding and managing the impact of family dynamics, especially in-laws, is important for maintaining harmony in the relationship.

Endure Challenges Together

Tough times are inevitable. Prioritise the strengths of the relationship and practice positive interactions to help weather storms. Working through challenges together strengthens the bond.


Home improvement projects are a popular resolution, as they offer a way to refresh living space and improve quality of life. However, transforming home without a clear plan can lead to overspending or unsatisfactory results.

Budget Wisely

Setting a clear budget is crucial. Prioritise spending on essential items, and consider waiting for seasonal sales to get the most value for money.

Style and Aesthetics

Decide on an overall design or style that reflects taste and complements existing decor. A cohesive look makes a space feel complete and welcoming.

Functionality First

Beyond aesthetics, make sure the choices are practical. Furniture and decor should enhance comfort and serve daily needs.


Invest in high-quality, durable pieces that will stand the test of time. Although initially expensive, well-made furniture saves money in the long run by reducing the need for frequent replacements.

Space Management

Before buying, carefully measure the rooms to avoid overcrowding or purchasing items that are too large. A well-organised space improves both comfort and functionality.


Whether within the city or to a new destination, relocating can be a refreshing way to start the year. However, moving without considering key factors can lead to challenges down the road.

Lifestyle Fit

Evaluate the lifestyle needs and ensure new location has the amenities that matter most—whether it is proximity to schools, parks, grocery stores, or places of worship.

Community Integration

Joining social traditions and cultural practices, such as savings groups like (Idir), could help connect with neighbours and feel part of the community.

Transportation Access

If commuting is a significant part of the routine, check if new neighbourhood offers easy access to public transport or major roads. Take parking spaces into consideration as well.

Safety First

Safety is a top priority. Although compiled data may not be accessible to research crime rates, word of mouth can be a real help here. Knowing where nearby police stations and emergency setups are located is vital.

Pollution Concerns

Pollution—whether noise, air, or waste—can impact quality of life. Visit the neighbourhood to assess potential issues and ensure the environment is conducive to lifestyle.


Starting a side hustle is becoming a necessity more than exploring passion while earning extra income. However, jumping into it without proper planning can be a double-edged sword.

Leverage Skills

Choose a hustle based on strengths and interests. Picking something enjoyable and doable is more likely to build a profitable side business.

Market Research

Before starting, research the target audience and competition. Understanding the market will help position a product or service for success.

Business Plan

A simple outline of goals, target market, and financial expectations will help give the venture direction and set up for long-term success.

Time Management

A side hustle can easily overwhelm if time management is not involved. Create a schedule that balances full-time job and personal responsibilities with the side business to avoid burnout.

Financial Considerations

Factor in the costs of starting a side hustle and ensure to have enough capital to sustain it. Also, familiarising self with tax obligations related to the new income stream help avoid surprises.

PUBLISHED ON Sep 08,2024 [ VOL 25 , NO 1271]

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