Apr 15 , 2023
Severe challenges plague the health sector of Benishangul Gumuz Regional State as the social development, culture & sports affairs Standing Committee reported to Parliament after doing a field study. Getahun Abdisa, the vice president of the regional state remarked that as much as 75 billion Br would be required to help the region fully recover from the impacts of sporadic conflicts over the last four years. Shortage of funding that takes into account the widespread systemic damage that the regional state has experienced was remarked on by the vice speaker of the regional state's parliament Alemenesh Yibas. A general appeal for special attention to the regional state was shared by all representatives from Beninshangul Gumuz. Severe logistic hurdles arising from the presence of armed groups on the road to the regional state have also inflated costs of goods much higher than the national average. A litre of petrol has been selling for nearly twice the national rate at 120 Br. Drivers being forced to take longer routes to avoid engagement with these armed groups has compounded costs to unprecedented levels. Higher officials within the regional state also indicated that conflict has disturbed the population distribution of the region with some districts being completely abandoned.