Jun 15 , 2024
The proper collection, treatment, and disposal of tobacco product waste is put forth by regulators at the Ethiopian Food & Drug Authority (EFDA). Officials have taken a step to combat illicit tobacco use and improper disposal practices by establishing a new directive for the management of sub-standard and illegal products. Signed by Heran Gerba, head of the Authority, the directive proposes to prevent the circulation of unauthorised tobacco products and unconventional disposal methods that could harm public health and the environment. The authorities intend to regulate the activities of manufacturers, importers, and wholesalers through mandatory disposal mechanisms. This will involve close monitoring of trade practices to ensure compliance and safeguard public and environmental health. A crucial objective of the directive is to prevent the reuse of disposable tobacco products. Each year, vast quantities of cigarette butts and other tobacco waste are improperly discarded in open areas, streets, drains, and landfills. Manufacturers like Yahiyerihad Abate, Corporate Affairs head at the National Tobacco Enterprise, have expressed their support for the new regulations. He believes that clearly defined disposal standards are essential for successful implementation. His company primarily disposes of tobacco products that have reached the end of their designated shelf life due to medical warnings or when defects occur during exports to Sudan.